
Showit website designer

Meet Emilyn

Helping business owners through unique web design that helps put you on the map.

My Journey to Becoming a Web Designer

Jan 9, 2023

Today’s blog post is one from the heart 🤍

When I first started out in the world of marketing, I never imagined that I would find my true passion in the world of web design. But that’s exactly where I have found myself today, and I couldn’t be more thrilled about it!

It all started with my business degree in marketing, which gave me a strong foundation in the principles and strategies of marketing and branding. However, it wasn’t until I started a social media marketing course in university that I discovered I had a knack for social media management. My professor (shoutout to Jeph!) worked at a lively marketing agency and his energy for social media and sharing “people, passion, and projects” was something that struck a chord with me. We had an opportunity during this class to be interns and run social media accounts for local businesses. My group members and I were lucky enough to get a food court and got paid in return with free food. What a great start to my career in SMM! 😂

A photo of me receiving my business degree, in 2020 which of course meant all graduation ceremonies were cancelled, hence the random backyard grass photo.

During this time, I also came to realize that there was a huge gap between business owners and running their own social media. I saw people with awesome successful businesses who simply didn’t have a clue what Instagram was, or that a simple Facebook Page could get them tapped into a whole new market of customers. This is where I came up with the idea that I would start my own marketing agency and help be the solution that many business owners were looking for. I started my marketing agency right at the end of 2020 and continued it on for a couple years.

Becoming a Web Designer

Social media management was fun and all, but it wasn’t until I stumbled upon Becca Luna and her web design courses that I discovered my true calling. I was immediately drawn to becoming a web designer and the limitless possibilities it offered for creative expression. The more I learned, the more I fell in love with the art of designing a website that not only looks good, but is also functional and easy to use.

Chilling with my laptop – the tool that helped make all of this possible!

So, I started designing websites for friends and people I knew, honing my skills and perfecting my craft. And before I knew it, I was offering my web design services to local business owners. I design on the Showit platform, which allows me to let my creativity run wild. I focus on making all of my website designs simple and user-friendly. When my clients receive them, they never feel overwhelmed or confused about how to keep their site up and running. I love the presentation of a fully customized website to my client and seeing the positive reaction they have.

Web design has become my new passion, and I can’t wait to see where it will take me. I am so grateful for the opportunity to do what I love every day, and to help small business owners achieve their goals with a beautiful, functional website. 🤍

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