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The Best Times to Post Your Podcast on Social Media

Jan 5, 2023

As a podcaster, you want to make sure that your content is being heard by as many people as possible. One way to increase your reach is by promoting your podcast on social media. However, in order to maximize the effectiveness of your social media promotion, it’s important to consider the best times to post your podcast and when to promote your podcast on social media.

Look at Patterns When Posting Your Podcast on Social Media

First and foremost, it’s important to consider the audience that you are trying to reach. Different demographics have different social media usage patterns, so it’s crucial to know when your target audience is most likely to be active on social media. For example, if your podcast caters to working professionals, you may want to focus on promoting your episodes during the weekday evenings and weekends when they are more likely to have free time to listen. Really think about your target audience and when they are most likely to be online.

best times to post a podcast on social media

Each Platform is Unique on Social Media

In addition to considering your target audience, it’s also important to consider the specific social media platform that you are using to promote your podcast. Each platform has its own unique usage patterns, and what works for one platform may not work for another. For example, Instagram tends to have higher engagement rates on weekdays during regular business hours, while Twitter tends to have more consistent engagement throughout the day. Check the best times to post for each platform here before you start scheduling!

To get a better understanding of the best times to post on social media, you can use tools like Sprout Social or Hootsuite to analyze the performance of your past posts and see when they received the most engagement. This can give you a sense of the optimal times to post on each specific platform.

Consider Different Time Zones

best times to post my podcast on social media

Another factor to consider is the time zone of your audience. If you have a global audience, it’s important to consider when your podcast will be most accessible to listeners in different time zones. You may want to consider posting your podcast at different times on different days to ensure that it is accessible to as many listeners as possible.

Overall, the best times to post your podcast on social media will depend on a variety of factors, including your target audience, the specific social media platform you are using, and the time zone of your listeners. By taking these factors into consideration and using tools to analyze the performance of your past posts, you can effectively promote your podcast and reach a wider audience. If you want more advice on this topic, check out my other blog postings on the topic of podcasting here!

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